Welcome to Micro Resolutions for Weight Loss

Micro Resolutions for weight loss is a well-researched system of fostering habits and retaining them for life. This is an approach that enhances the old good habits but helps create new habits with minimal mental or emotional energy expenditure. This process takes some time to ingrain into our subconscious but overall the steps can be quite easy. The only thing you do need though is a little guidance, not because it is difficult but because your old habits might start to show or your frustrations may get the best of you. What has been found is that to create a habit, most habits, we require a process that allows us to be consistent. For this to work the best you must allow some flexibility for frustrations that will develop. Frustrations, when they do show up, need to be recognized and you need to understand that they are part of the learning process. Most of the time knowing that there are going to be some minor road block is enough to make you relax and continue on. Our purpose is to guide you a little and help you understand that there are going to be some bumps, failures and frustrations, but that all of this is understandable and should be acceptable. We are looking at short time frames of behavioral changes to make lifelong changes. Once you start to understand and really grasp the ideas then you will be able to apply most of this information on other aspects of your life and not simply weight loss. So, stay, open your mind, accept the mistakes and proceed. Failures, but with a goal, can be the repetitions that will push us to do magnificent things.       This is What it Takes

Maybe the reason organic foods are beautiful is because they simply are! The art of feeding our families is not just valuable but also precious, pass it on to your kids!

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